Kenniscentrum Blue Knot Australië
31 augustus 2016Jon Rappoport – Mind Control Experimenten op Kinderen
1 september 2016Colin A. Ross – Building the Manchurian Candidate
Auteur Dr. Colin Ross onderbouwt dat de Manchurian Candidate superspy een feit is, geen fictie. De afgelopen decennia hebben alomtegenwoordige, systematische schendingen van de mensenrechten door Amerikaanse psychiaters plaatsgevonden. Experimenten uitgevoerd door psychiaters om geheugenverlies, nieuwe identiteiten, hypnotische toegangscodes en nieuwe herinneringen in de hoofden van proefpersonen te creëren, worden beschreven uit de eigen publicaties van de artsen. Deze uitgebreide schendingen van de mensenrechten zijn gefinancierd door de CIA en het leger en uitgevoerd door Amerikaanse psychiaters in Noord-Amerika, gepleegd door niet een paar afvallige artsen, maar door vooraanstaande psychiaters, psychologen, farmacologen, neurochirurgen en medische scholen. Hieronder volgt een artikel over het boek in het Engels.
Bluebird; Building the Manchurian Candidate
Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists
Colin A. Ross, M.D.
This book is now complete and is under review at a publisher. The publication date is uncertain as of 10-8-99. By research at the medical school library, ordering out-of-print books, and requests filed through the Freedom of Information Act, I have built up compelling documentation of the fact that the CIA and military intelligence agencies have been creating multiple personality experimentally, and using these subjects in courier and infiltration operations.
The Appendices to BUILDING THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE provide full proof of the fact that the Manchurian Candidate is real, and has been created by the CIA and military. The documented mind control research includes:
- Putting brain electrodes in children as young as 11 years old and controlling their behavior from remote transmitters;
- Giving 150 mcg of LSD per day to children age 7-11 for weeks and months at a time;
- Building safe houses where CIA personnel watched prostitutes turn tricks with customers - the prostitutes gave their customers LSD without the customers' knowledge;
- Wiping out memories with electric shock, and using animals with implanted brain electrodes as delivery systems for chemical and biological weapons.
A complete listing of MKULTRA Subprojects, correspondence between Estabrooks and J. Edgar Hoover and other documents are included in the Appendices to BUILDING THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. The following text is the Introduction to the book.
The major goal of the Cold War mind control programs was to create dissociative symptoms and disorders, including full dissociative identity disorder. The Manchurian Candidate (Condon 1959/1988) is fact, not fiction, and was created by the CIA in the 1950's under BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE mind control programs. Experiments with LSD, sensory deprivation, electro-convulsive treatment, brain electrode implants and hypnosis were designed to create amnesia, depersonalization, changes in identity and altered states of consciousness.
The purpose of this book is to prove that the creation of controlled dissociation was a major goal of mind control research. Other authors, who are not specialists in dissociation (Ross 1994; 1995; 1997), have failed to understand this fact.
The reality of the Manchurian Candidate has direct relevance to our understanding of the dissociative disorders. The Manchurian Candidate is an experimentally created multiple personality, now classified by the American Psychiatric Association (1994) as dissociative identity disorder. The reality of the Manchurian Candidate is compelling evidence for the reality of iatrogenic dissociative identity disorder; if the condition has been created deliberately by mind control doctors, then it can be created unwittingly by therapies which mimic the conditions and techniques of mind control.
Because the subject matter of this book is likely to provoke extreme reactions, I have taken great care to present only facts which are fully documented and based on objective, public domain information. Experiments to create Manchurian Candidate 'super spies' must be understood in their social and historical context, which is one of pervasive, systematic mind control experimentation, not by a few isolated renegade doctors, but by the leaders of psychiatry and the major medical schools.
The literature on psychiatric participation in CIA and military mind control is incomplete. A systematic inventory of projects and investigators has never been attempted. Only one paper on the subject has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals (Prince, 1995) and only one book has been published by academic presses in the 1990's (Weinstein, 1990). These treatments of the subject have had a relatively narrow focus. Other books and articles on the subject range from scholarly (Scheflin, 1982; Scheflin and Opton, 1978) to popular (Thomas, 1989; Vankin, 1991; Winn, 1983). The last study of the subject with a broad perspective appeared over a decade ago (Marks, 1988).
The participation of psychiatrists and medical schools in mind control research was not a matter of a few scattered doctors pursuing questionable lines of investigation. Nor did the experiments occur in a previous era governed by different ethical standards than those prevailing in the 1990's. Rather, the mind control experimentation was systematic, organized, and involved many leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Many leading psychiatrists must have been directly aware of the Manchurian Candidate programs.
The mind control experiments were interwoven with radiation experiments, and research on chemical and biological weapons. The mind control work was funded by the CIA, Army, Navy and Air Force, and concurrently by other agencies including the Public Health Service and the Scottish Rite Foundation. The psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons and other contractors conducting the work were imbedded in a broad network of doctors and much of the research was published in medical journals.
Mind control contractors with TOP SECRET clearance included the American Psychological Association, Past Presidents of the American Psychiatric Association and the Society for Biological Psychiatry, and psychiatrists who have received awards from the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association. Many of the mind control doctors have been the subject of obituaries in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Clinical responsibility for the mind control experiments lies with the doctors, who should have been constrained by the Hippocratic Oath. National Security interests are the proper responsibility of the CIA, and the CIA is not governed by the Hippocratic Oath. That the CIA created Manchurian Candidates is a fact, and easy to understand and justify from a National Security perspective. This book is not about the CIA, the military or the government. It is not based on conspiracy theory and it does not advance a conspiracy theory. I am not a critic of the CIA and I am not privy to the intelligence imperatives behind the Manchurian Candidate programs.
In terms of personal politics and philosophy, I greatly admire William Donovan, the father of the CIA (Brown, 1982; Hyde, 1962; Troy, 1996). If the West had not won the Cold War, I would likely have died in Gulag many years ago. The CIA and military intelligence agencies are owed a personal debt by me on this account. I am not criticizing the CIA or the military in this book because I am not an expert on intelligence matters. I am a psychiatrist specializing in dissociative disorders.
To reiterate, my focus is on psychiatry and the dissociative disorders. The need for military and intelligence research and development in the subject areas of BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA and MKSEARCH is self-evident to me. My intent is to prove that the Manchurian Candidate is real, and to set the Manchurian Candidate programs in a historical and clinical context. I am interested in what the Manchurian Candidate can teach us about dissociative disorders, from a clinical perspective.